Tuesday, July 7, 2009

WTF Is Wrong With Our Society?

For the past two weeks all that has been on TV is Michael Jackson, the news, the talk shows, it's been nothing but Michael Jackson 24 hours a day. What makes me sick is listening to all these jackasses crying about how tragic his death is, or how he was their inspiration, or how great he was. What did he ever do that made him so great? He sang songs and he danced, he made some bad movies, he molested some kids and he was strange, that makes him great? Yesterday in the midst of all the Michael Jackson hype, CNN had a blurb on their crawler at the bottom of the screen that said "7 Marines killed in Afghanistan" that was it, no story, no crowds of people carrying signs crying about how much of an impact the deaths of those Marines made on them, no news programs running tributes to them. I am disgusted with the news media and the American public, they devote hours and hours of coverage to rich self absorbed fucksticks who overdosed, making them out to be heroes, just because they have money, or they're a "celebrity". But they say nothing about the true heroes, the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen who daily put their lives in jeopardy, the thousands of casualties, the dead, the wounded, the tens of thousands of our young Americans who are crippled both physically and emotionally from war. Fuck Michael Jackson, Fuck CNN, MSNBC, FOX and all the news media, Fuck hollywood and Fuck all the celebutards who think the world revolves around them. Fuck it all, where's John Wayne when you really need him.