Tuesday, August 18, 2009

You might be a Fobbit if…..

* You have more special operations gear than a Special Forces team

* Your idea of a mounted patrol includes a shuttle bus

* You think red, amber and green are just colors

* Your communications problems mean the Internet cafe is closed

* You think an insurgent is a non-identification card holder in the post exchange

* Your only trips outside the wire were when you went back home on R&R

* Your last Meals, Ready to Eat was stateside

* The last person who shot at you was playing the video game Halo

* Your family in the States seen more of Iraq on CNN than you have

* The only Iraqis you’ve seen were cleaning a port-a-potty

* The attachments on your weapon outweigh the weapon itself

* The only checkpoints you have manned were at Burger King, the dining facility and the AT&T call center

* You have a magazine secured to your weapon with 100 MPH tape

* The term “normal hours of operations” still have relevance to your job

* The mileage on your vehicle is almost the same as when it was when you got here

* A dismounted patrol usually involve a Whopper with cheese

* You're unable to remember the last time you wore your Body Armor and Helmet

* You have more knives on your gear than hands to use them

* Your sun, sand and dust goggles not seen sun, sand or dust

For those of you who don't get it, Fobbits are troops that never leave the secure bases in Iraq, for the most part Fobbits make life miserable for the Combat troops that spend most of their tour outside the wire.